+44 20 80501535

DTP & Foreign-Language Typesetting

In addition to translations, we also specialise in desktop publishing and foreign-language typesetting. With our team of experienced translators and layout experts, we offer comprehensive DTP solutions such as formatting the layout of translated texts, graphics and tables in various languages, as well as grammar and spelling checks.

The DTP process

1. Prepare the original file for translation:

In this step, desktop publishing prepares the original texts in a suitable format for translation and identifies expected problems in the layout.

2. Translation:

In the next step, the text is translated into the target language by professional translators. When choosing our “PRO” quality level, a review is also carried out by another person.

3. Foreign-language typesetting:

In this step, the translated text is inserted into the original layout structure using a DTP program. During the process, language-typical peculiarities are also taken into account and any necessary adjustments to the layout are made.

4. Review:

A final check is carried out by our layout experts or translators before the final version is approved. Layout errors, spelling mistakes and other inconsistencies are checked and corrected here once again.

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What do I need DTP for?

DTP (desktop publishing) is an important service for ensuring the adoption of the original layout, good readability and visual appeal of translated documents and publications such as flyers. Our DTP service makes it possible to place images, tables and graphics correctly and to adapt the layout to the length of the translation. We also pay attention to differences in the sign systems of the source and target languages. DTP is therefore essential if your translations are to be published with a professional and visually appealing layout.

Supported file formats


A professional DTP program used primarily for creating print media such as magazines, brochures and books. It offers extensive options for layout, typography and colour design, making it the first choice for desktop publishing.

Microsoft PowerPoint

A presentation program mainly used for creating presentations and slides. It is easy to use and offers many design and layout options.

Microsoft Word

A word processing program used for creating all kinds of documents. It offers many formatting options and the possibility to insert images and tables.

Microsoft Excel

A spreadsheet program mainly used for processing data and calculations. It offers many features for analysing and visualising data.


A programming language used to create web pages. It enables the creation of appealing layouts and interactivity on websites by means of various software solutions.


A file format used by AutoCAD, a computer-aided design (CAD) program for creating 2D and 3D drawings and models.

Frequently asked questions about DTP

What is DTP?

“DTP” stands for “desktop publishing” and refers to the creation of printed and digital media using specialised software tools. This includes the design of texts as well as their translations, images and layouts for a variety of media, for example books, brochures, magazines and digital content.

What is the difference between DTP and typesetting?

“DTP” refers to the creation of layouts and media design, while “typesetting” refers to the actual text and its arrangement within the layout. DTP therefore also includes typesetting, but the term “typesetting” does not describe the entire process chain.

What are the advantages of DTP?

DTP makes it possible to create professional and visually appealing media quickly and efficiently, with numerous benefits. By using specialised software solutions, layouts can be adapted automatically, which saves time and costs. DTP also enables translations to be transferred to the original layout.

What are the most common DTP programs?

Some of the most commonly used DTP programs are Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. These programs offer a wide range of tools and features with which professional layouts can be created and edited.

What is the difference between DTP and other graphic design programs?

DTP programs are specifically designed for the creation of printed and digital media, while other graphic design programs such as Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator are more commonly used for the creation of individual images and graphics. DTP programs, however, often have similar software features and tools that make it possible to create both individual images and complex layouts.

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