Avoid embarrassing spelling mistakes and bad grammar. First impressions are crucial for gaining your customers’ trust, whether it’s in English or other languages. You should therefore have your text professionally edited before printing or launching digital media.
Our editors always work into their native language. They live and work in their home country and therefore actively use their native language in everyday life situations. This guarantees a flawless level of language and demands use of the editor’s key skills.
Spelling & grammar
Editing primarily involves checking spelling and grammar. In addition to the correct use of upper and lower case letters, this also involves ensuring correct hyphenation, punctuation and other orthographical aspects.
Logic & typography
The logic of the text is also reviewed and optimised during the editing process, which is particularly important for Bachelor or Master dissertation work. Weak sentence structures are revised by the editor to highlight the author’s expertise.
Correct/false translation
Most editors are also professional translators. This means that they can also check whether the foreign-language text has been correctly translated. Important: this is only possible if the source text is available. In contrast, proofreading of machine translations does not form part of the editing service.
Formatting as an additional service
The formatting is not revised during the editing process but can be reworked as part of an additional DTP service. More information is available here: DTP & foreign-language typesetting
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Typical editing work
Texts that we regularly edit
Website editing
You should always review website content prior to publication. However, large websites can take a long time to review by yourself. We’ll be happy to assist if you’d prefer to have your content edited by someone else. We can edit entire websites or just selected pages.
Book editing
Book editing is essential for authors and self-publishers as well as publishing companies. We edit specialist literature along with fiction, novels and short stories. The edited document is always delivered in tracked changes mode so that the author can clearly see any changes and amend them if required.
Advertising copy editing
Editing advertising copy is one of the most common types of editing work. We edit both online and print ads, flyers, brochures and digital campaigns such as SEA displays. In addition to editing the text, we particularly recommend foreign-language typesetting for print media in order to align text and graphic elements.
Academic editing
All scientific work should be edited prior to submission/publication. Editing of your Bachelor work, Master work or dissertation can significantly improve the thesis grade. After all, it is not only the content that contributes to your grade, but also the linguistic element.
Frequently edited languages
German editing
When it comes to editing German text, there is plenty to consider due to the complexity of German grammar. Our German editors live and work in Germany, are native speakers of German and are guaranteed to spot any mistakes.
English editing
The importance of English editing is often underestimated. Or to put it another way: English skills are often overestimated by many non-native speakers. Although English might be a comparatively “easy” language, editing work should always be carried out by a native English speaker.
French editing
Similar to German, French is highly complex in terms of its grammar and spelling. Our native-speaking French editors can review your existing French text. Our agency offers an editing service for French (France) as well as Switzerland and Belgium.
Italian editing
As with all other languages, it is important for Italian editing to be carried out by native Italian speakers. Many editors of Italian texts also translate from German and are therefore ideally placed to check that the translation is correct.
Spanish editing
Spanish editing plays a particularly important role in the real-estate sector. Many German companies market properties in Spain. The need for Spanish editing for exposés or websites in this sector is therefore extremely high.
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Need an editing quote?
Editing costs vary depending on language and scope. The fastest way to receive a quote for editing text is by using the online enquiry form on our website. Let us know which files need to be edited along with the language and we’ll send you a quote within 30 minutes.
Our London office is located in Holborn, close to Temple or Chancery Lane underground stations on the corner of Carey Street and Strand. Our London team is ready to assist you with your editing needs. Just give us a call using the number below.
Our Berlin office is situated in the Mitte district, right around the corner from the historical Bernauer Strasse. The Berlin-based team will be happy to advise you about our editing services. Simply call us on the number below.
Our Zurich office is situated in the Altstetten quarter (district 9). We look after our Swiss customers from here and will be happy to answer any questions about our editing services. You can reach us by calling the number below.
Editing involves improving texts with regard to spelling, style, grammar and content.
What does an editor do?
An editor’s role is to ensure that the text is of suitable quality. In addition to correcting spelling, grammar and punctuation, they also perform a stylistic and linguistic revision of the work.
What does editing involve?
Editing is designed to improve a text without distorting the author’s unique style. Editing involves the stylistic and linguistic revision of a text. The author has the final say and decides which corrections to accept.
How much does editing cost?
Editing costs vary depending on the language and subject area. It is typically charged by word, standard page or hour.
What is the difference between editing and proofreading?
Proofreading primarily involves improving spelling, grammar and punctuation, whereas editing also involves reviewing the content and style.
Is editing actually allowed for scientific work?
Yes, editing and proofreading of Bachelor work, Master work and dissertations is legal. Nobody can stop you from having your scientific work edited as this will not change your personal scientific contribution.
How long does an editing job take?
The time to perform an in-depth editing depends on the editor and quality of the text. You should allow at least 12 hours for editing of a five-page document.
Is the content altered during editing?
During the editing process, the author will be given a form of expert report to help them further develop the content of their work. It is up to the author as to whether they implement this feedback. The original writer’s tone should fundamentally remain unchanged.
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