In this article, we explain how you can save up to 40% on costs and achieve a significant increase in quality with translation memories.
Aim and purpose
Translation memories are primarily used for quality assurance and have been part of many so-called CAT tools (= computer-assisted translation tools) used by linguists to produce translations for years. Each translation is saved and retrieved as needed. uses its own CAT tool, centrally administered on our server in Europe, with integrated translation memory technology.
Significant quality advantage
Our translation agency supports more than 40 file formats with its CAT tool. All scanned texts are divided into segments and then translated segment by segment by specialist translators. Each translated segment is stored in a translation memory, and terms and segments that have already been translated are suggested to the translator again. This contributes to consistent wording in your translations as well as a consistent use of technical terms.
Cost savings
Recurring text is recognised as unique, weighted repetitions and charged at a lower word rate. Discounts of up to 60% are possible which can lead to high cost savings, especially over a longer period of time.
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